Sovereignty of your own data

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Electro-mobility will be a huge market. Only those who build and operate the most attractive and efficient business models will have the edge.

This is nothing to be designed on the drawing board. And even a large investment budget is no guarantee of success. Rather, an iterative approach is required, which must sometimes include bold steps, but which then must be critically assessed and subjected to a process of continuous improvement.

Once again, the basis of business decisions is data. And not just simulated or averaged data! It is the behavior of real users, algorithms in the smart grid and the resulting key performance indicators (KPI).

It is all the more surprising that many operators nowadays leave their data to a SaaS platform operator who will later be a competitor. Apparently in some places the opinion prevails that data must first be protected where significant business is being made.

But you may not even get to the point of making significant sales if you do not guard knowledge and data – or if you do not evaluate it. Gridware, using shared-nothing architecture, enables evaluation and keeps your data in your own hands.

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