Integration within an IT-landscape

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We are software developers and we love to do that. So why develop a one-size-fits-all SaaS platform when we can do it more individual, more interlinked and more efficient? And when our clients like and praise our customizing?

The fundamental decision to operate a separate Gridware instance for each client using a shared-nothing architecture has proven to be spot on. Initially it was primarily intended to guarantee the sovereignty of their own data for each client. But over the years we have created more and more interfaces towards the IT landscape of our clients, which we were able to separate from the product core so skillfully that this did not hinder our development speed at all.

Examples for this:

  • Integration of central user directories and single-sign-on (SSO).
  • Import of master data from materials management
  • Interface to the billing-systems
  • Export of data for energy management systems
  • Connection to control room (IEC 60870-5)

What can we integrate for YOU?

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